CATIA - Knowledge and Optimizer
Below is a group of How-to's that are related to the topic of 'Best Practices' in the CATIA - Knowledge and Optimizer subcategory. Click on their links to find more information on these topics.
Below is a group of How-to's that are related to the topic of 'Optimising' in the CATIA - Knowledge and Optimizer subcategory. Click on their links to find more information on these topics.
The "Optimization" workbench is available in Catia V5. It is possible to use it to solve more or less complex problems. You will find in the document below some simple examples in which some optimizations are used and some information on how to put them in place.
We consider Large Size Documents these ones that have a size of more than 106 bytes (~1Mb).
To avoid increase of the file size, you should follow these rules:
- Don’t use the catalog models blindly, keep all the details only if the design requires it.
- Avoid very detail representation of grids.
- Don't add unnecessary objects in Assemblies.
- Pay attention to the objects hidden or deactivated.
- Be aware with the scans.
- Don't use multibody to create Assemblies in CATParts.
To learn more how to work with large documents, please open the following document.
When saving a CATIA file, a CGR file that represents said 3D is automatically created. However, some parameters can have an important influence on the size of the CGR, making the operation of opening the file in Preview or in Large Assembly more complex and demanding for the RAM.
For more information about the CGR file size, please explore the link below.
Parametric modeling aims to make “intelligent” models, which are directly driven by specifications, and which integrate the various knowledge around a project.
The link below will present the methodology and the basic tools and rules to follow in order to build parametric models or parts in the CATIA V5 environment.
It exists many types of links between CATIA documents. Among them, one is called contextual link, meaning that it exists a link between two parts in the context of a product. In some cases, this link can be replaced by a CCP link, that leads to the same result, without the drawback of the context.
For more details, please follow the document which is at the bottom.
Q-Checker is a tool that checks the quality of a CATIA document. It will be automatically installed via CMF in all the PCs in the CATIA group.
If the tool is installed, in all the CATIA workbenches will appear this icon which is below.
It is possible to clear CATIA models from internal errors by:
- doing it one by one interactively,
- for several CO models simultaneously,
- for all models in a folder at once using a batch tool.
To follow step by step how to do it, please click on the link below.
When Catia V5 files are manipulated, errors can appear, leading to troubles like ghost links. To solve this, the CATDUA (For Catia Data Upward Assistant) exist in the Catia V5 Desk This tool is powerful, but only treat documents one by one which can be painful for users, when dealing with assemblies. So, in order to facilitate the cleaning of models, CATDUAV5 Automation has been developed by support.
To learn more about this process, please refer to the document below.
Below in the document there are a few steps to debugging CATIA models.
Be careful, make sure that the "Save" operation worked well before to close SmarTeam and Catia V5.
If "YES" have a look on following advise below: In case of doubt ➞ HotLine 16 06 60