CDD Platform
Soon CDD will be able to store drawings with several sheets but today it is still not possible. If you have a design that doesn’t fit only in one sheet of the drawing, and you need to upload all the sheets to CDD we have the following procedure.
In order to learn more about this, please consult the following document.
A new plot function has been recently added to both CDD and EDMS. It will allow you convert drawings to PDF, DXF, PLT files. The functionality is based on a virtual plotter that will convert the files and store them on a scratch folder.
In order to understand it better, please follow the instructions which are inside the document below.
Due the new lifecycle implementation there will be a lot of data which state will be:
“Archived” in CDD.
“In Work” or “Preliminary” in SmarTeam.
To learn more how to use the Catch Up tool, please consult the following document.
The access has been implemented from CDD via web link. In this context, it can be found in the common options integrated in the top bar of CDD.
By clicking on this link in a specific CDD Drawing page, it will be possible to navigate to the “Where Used” page.
In order to learn more about the Where Used functionality, please consult the following document.