SmarTeam - Dashboard
Below is a group of How-to's that are related to the topic of 'Admin' in the SmarTeam- Dashboard subcategory. Click on their links to find more information on these topics.
Below is a group of How-to's that are related to the topic of 'Check in/out' in the SmarTeam- Dashboard subcategory. Click on their links to find more information on these topics.
Below are the remaining How-to's that are not present in other subgroups in the SmarTeam - Dashboard subcategory. Click on their links to find more information on these topics.
This site contains the help documentation for the CAD Support Launcher and is the general information site for Launcher Dashboard related things.
If you want to understand what exactly it is, please check the link below.
More: CS Dashboard
If you have to create an e-group with the people that will belong to the Team in SmarTeam: Go to e-groups website and create a static e-group with the same name as you want to have in SmarTeam.
A full tutorial can be consulted in the document below.
The use of Teams eases collaborative work by giving you possibility to:
- Take responsibility: Any member of Team can take responsibility of documents belonging to the Team.
- Access management: The design office can manage all the rights
- Optional: It's always possible to work without a Team. Use the No Team, to work on your own
In order to know how to work with TEAMS inside SmarTeam, please consult the document below.
You can save any modification during work, including during a network problem. The other users know that you are performing some modifications nevertheless, no one else can do some modifications at the same time. Before Check-In, it is still possible to cancel the modifications using "Undo Check- Out" command. You are also able to delete the Checked Out Documents in SmarTeam.
In order to know more about this operation, please check out the document below.
More: Which are the different way to perform a Check-Out operation, for which usage?
In order to know how to open or check out previous revisions inside SmarTeam, please consult the document below.
In SmarTeam each modification of the settings is kept. If you want to go back to the initial configuration you have to click in “Reset SmarTeam settings”.
In order to understand more how to reset in SmarTeam, please consult the following document.
An icon in SmarTeam eases you to find all your Checked Out and New documents.
In order to find out how to check out or new documents, please consult the document below.
In the menu “maintenance” in your dashboard you can find the option • Change Password
You can find the maintenance menu in the right part of the dashboard, in the field “commands”.
In order to learn more how to change the password in SmarTeam, please consult the following document.
The tool available in the Dashboard and in SmarTeam menus allows you to perform 3 different operations:
Get a new CDD number
Remove a CDD number
Get an existing CDD number
These options are only available for 3Ds and ITEMS, all operations related to 2Ds have to be done as until today via CartWeb.
In order to understand how it works, please consult the document below.
The SmarTeam Teams as well as the PLM Responsible Project Groups (RPG) and Design Code groups are based on the "e-group". These can be updated independently by users without the use of CAD/PLM support is required. This requires using the e-groups application.
To learn more how to add and remove people from a Team, please consult the following document.
More: How to add or remove people from a Team?
Even if the document refers to SmarTeam only, the way it works for the PLM is similar.
Go to the Profile Card of the RPG or Design Code group to identify the e-group name.
Note if for a Design Code group, the "Is Egroup" property is not ticked, it means that the group is still owned by CDD. In that case, contact to be added