SmarTeam - Getting Started
Below is a list of acronyms that are used in relation to SmarTeam
- CDD – CERN Drawing Directory
- C1 – Control 1
- C2 – Control 2
- C3 – Control 3 or Approval Process
- EDMS – Engineering Document Management System
- SmT – SmarTeam
- Pre-migrated – SmarTeam documents are now available in the PLM, but still owned by SmarTeam
- Migrated – Documents have been pre-migrated and changed ownership to the PLM.
See the list of CATIA Acronyms here.
See the list of PLM Acronyms here.
This question is intended for people at CERN that are new to CATIA/SmarTeam and that would need access to the software or some help to get started. If you do not find what you are looking for in the document below, please contact
Currently, there are specific groups configured in CMF ("NSC" groups) that allow the installation of CATIA/SmarTeam in a CAD Workstation. This division has been created with the purpose of cover the needs of different CAD users at CERN.
The purpose of the following document is to describe the various options available.
What is the difference between CATIA Supported and CATIA Unsupported NSC?
After creating a file in CATIA, it should be saved into the SmarTeam database. You can choose if you want to link it or not to a project in SmarTeam. This project link is not obligatory but if no other link is created (like Item to Project), the document will be findable only via the SmarTeam Search.
For more information how do it, please click on the link below.