How to identify if SmarTeam documents have been migrated and switched ownership to the PLM?


Documents that are created in SmarTeam can be migrated to the PLM. They can also have their 'ownership' transferred over so they can be edited in the PLM.
Note: Only one software at a time is permitted to edit documents, to prevent continuity issues.

From SmartTeam you can identify if a document has been migrated over and ownership changed by looking at the lifecycle state. Documents of this nature will be set to the ‘Externalised’ state.

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From the PLM you can identify it through the ‘Owned by SmarTeam’ property. If the property is;

  • Enabled, it means the document is still owned by SmT and must be edited there
  • Disabled, owned by the PLM and must be edited there.

This property is displayed in the search grid from the dashboard and in the relationship grid on the profile card of a CAD document.

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For info:

Documents starting with ST2 are native to the PLM so will be editable (subject to lifecycle status and access rights).

Documents starting with ST1 or ST0 were created in SmarTeam or Euclid. These will have to undergo the migration and ownership transferal process before they can be edited in the PLM.