How to enter metadata with drag and drop (batch import)?


When dropping a file into one of the two areas, a table appears.

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A screenshot of a computer

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When importing CAD files, the table contains more fields to be completed. As many fields of the table as possible are prefilled but the proposed default values can be changed and the blank fields filled in.

If you require a new document to be created, leave the 'version a CAD document' column blank. To create a new version of an existing CAD document see the dedicated How-to here.

To enter a value or to change an existing value, double-click in the cell in question. To delete a value select the cell and press the "delete" key on the keyboard or copy a value from one cell to another when you have more files by holding the cell on the corner and moving it to the cell below. The metadata can also be copied and pasted from an excel sheet. 

Once the metadata has been entered and the upload is complete, the import can be launched by clicking on the blue "Launch import" button.

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See the 'Batch import' subgroup for related information