How to create a new version of a CAD document using the batch import?


The batch import tool (drag and drop) can also be used to create new versions of CAD Documents already saved in the PLM.

To create a new version, in the 'Version a CAD document' column enter an existing document/Part number, or a CERN drawing reference number. Alternatively, by double clicking on the cell a search box will appear. From here you can search and filter to find the existing document you would like to version.

If a valid document is found, the version column will be populated with the document number, latest version and definition.  In addition, some of the other columns will be automatically filled out with the metadata from the previous version, for example the sheet size and orientation. However, these can be modified if required.


Please note this feature can only be used with manually managed documents.

Once the import is launched, a new version of the document will be created and attached to the existing Part. The type of version (major or minor) is dependent on the lifecyle state of the previous version. Documents in a frozen state will have a major update, otherwise a new minor version will be created.

 PDF Logo Batch Import

See the 'Batch import' subgroup for related information