To open a 3D CAD document in Spinfire Ultimate there is an icon available on each Profile Card. It is located on the thumbnail (the lower one, whilst the upper icon is used to display the web viewer): Open in Desktop Viewer.
The first time you click on this icon, a new SpinFire Ultimate instance (window) will be launched, and your CAD file will be open there.
If you later open a second CAD document in the viewer through the 'Open in desktop viewer icon', a pop up menu with appear:
"--> Open in a new window" will launch a new SpinFire instance:
"--> Open in a new tab in the first window" will open the selected CAD Document in a new tab of the FIRST instance of SpinFire that was launched.
"--> import to the active tab of the first window" will merge the selected CAD Document in the active tab of the FIRST instance of SpinFire that was launched:
With this last option, it is possible to merge multiple CAD documents that were made with different CAD authoring tools (ex: REVIT & CATIA V5).
The origin axis systems of all CAD Documents will all be coincident. But it is possible to move some components using the Transform dialog box.
Note: PLM desktop must be running, even if you are browsing the PLM using your web browser.
More about how to use SpinFire Ultimate: FAQ