There should be no design in context, to facilitate the reuse of components in other assemblies. Contextual links are very complicated to manage in SmarTeam. To learn more about these recommendations and obligations, consult the document below.
The constraints have to be done in the right way. For example, the first element will be used as a reference for all the others, so it should be well constrained. To learn more about these recommendations and obligations, consult the document below.
It is mandatory to constrain standard components like fasteners, flanges or integration models with their publications. To learn more about these recommendations and obligations, consult the document below.
In general, CATPart or CATProduct should not be deactivated in a CATProduct. To learn more about these recommendations and obligations, consult the document below.
There are several recommendations that can be followed to facilitate the reuse of components in other assemblies. To learn more about these recommendations and obligations, consult the document below.